I always feel that the first blog post is always the hardest. What to say? Well, I'll keep it brief (or try to) Nothing can beat a slice of homemade cake. I've always been into cakes, baking them for friends and family. Never thought of doing it as a business. Until I was made redundant in June this year-yeah I was one of "lucky" group of 15 who were told that we were not quite good enough. I still feel bitter-I have a right to feel bitter- but its fading a little bit each day.
I've been looking for jobs since June, but let me tell you, it is damn hard out there. I've been applying for jobs everywhere from office jobs to retail jobs, but nothing...
So I decided that while I look for jobs, I will go about setting myself up as a cake baker/decorater. I mean it can't do any harm can it? And if it all works out, being a cake baker/decorator could eventually become my main full time job.
Now if you are on Facebook or Twitter, then there is the slight chance that you may have already had a look at some of the cakes that I have made. I'm quite good, but there's always room for improvement and I just want to keep getting better and better...
So are you going to join me on my journey?
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